There are a number of ways you can go about taking a home inventory. Pick whatever suits you. Here are a few options:
Video inventory:
It seems like every family has a video guru these days. Put him or her to work recording the details around your home. Take advantage of the voice option to add commentary about the items such as the price and where they were purchased.
Photo inventory:
Grab a camera and start taking pictures of your home and your belongings. Be thorough and pay attention to details such as hardware and fixtures as well as your belongings.
Written inventory:
Ask your insurance company for a inventory booklet, then go through your house and document everything thoroughly. Note price and where you bought the item.
Software inventory:
Today home inventory software such as
SAFE Home Inventory Software is available to help you satisfy your insurance company's requirements easily. Fill-in-the-blank forms, and the ability to export data to your personal-finance programs, makes the process relatively painless.
Here are a some suggested items to record on your home inventory list. This list is by no means exhaustive.
Kitchen/dining room:
table & chairs
dishes & utensils
china cabinet
Living/family room:
electronics, including serial numbers
sofas & chairs
desks & tables
DVDs, CDs, etc.
lamps & fixtures